My heart it's like an open high way

vineri, 8 aprilie 2011


I found yet some certain details about my thoughts. They don't work to me , they just can't make it through.
I am smarter and thoughts won't gain me. 
Anyhow how is this coming? Writing B.S on my birthday, I enjoy this sorrow , grief doesn't matter how you call it. Nothing makes sense to me anymore, I don't need anyone to explain me nothing ,just get the hell out ! 
How can I move forward? ...well I'm gonna move anyway ,some way's out there, but I wish things weren't so much more complicated and I wish I didn't had to remember all that stuff, it makes it harder and makes it horrible like a nightmare you have to pass through cause you have no other option. 
I'm not out,but I'm out of such beautiful things and out of..recovery

luni, 4 aprilie 2011

Stand by.

Spre îngrijorarea mea că am ajuns să scriu nimicuri, ok, tot e posibil.
Din zi în zi şi până în ziua în care am ajuns să nu mai număr numerele ,în momentul în care am pierdut lanţul menţinut imaginar...
Între zi şi noapte.
Stările omeneşti, frici fundamentale...